Why natural dog treats are better for your dog

Why natural dog treats are better for your dog

Natural dog treats are better for your dog’s all-round health. Here’s why.

Your dog may be happy to eat whatever is put in front of his or her mouth, but that doesn’t mean that they should. As the owner of an awesome dog, it’s up to you to ensure that they’re eating as high-quality food as possible. You’ll likely already be doing this with their main meals, but what are the dog treats you’re feeding to them? Many commercially available dog treat products are the equivalent of human junk food; tasty on the lips but not so good for the hips or anything else.

Here at SnackWaggers, we’re passionate about providing healthy dog treats. Ready to discover why natural treats are better for your canine than non-natural treats? Let’s take a look.

They’re Less Fatty

Your dog needs to be physically fit if he or she is to live its best life. Non-natural treats are packed with additives that can have a detrimental impact on a dog’s physical conditioning, and they also typically retain less of the nutrients and minerals that your dog needs. When you buy natural products, you’ll have peace of mind that you’re feeding your dog the best treats possible.

They Taste Delicious!

We tend to think that healthy = tasteless. But that’s not true for human food, and it’s certainly not true for dog treats! All natural dog treats taste way better than their processed counterparts. We’re not recommending you taste them yourself to find out, though; you’ll see from your dog’s face just how much they enjoy these tasty bites!

Oral Hygiene Boost

Non-natural dog treats have to be “tasty-fied” somehow, and the way they do that is by adding artificial sweeteners. Those sweeteners might give your dog a moment’s pleasure, but they can cause havoc for their teeth. It’s hard enough to give a canine’s teeth in tip-top condition; feeding them sweetened treats only makes it more difficult.

Happy Treats

Humans know that they are what they eat. If you eat happy and healthy foods, then you’re more likely to be happy and healthy yourself. The same applies to dogs. Processed dog treats and snacks can cause an imbalance in the dog’s gut health, which in turn can impact their mood and all-around mental health. We all want our dogs to be as happy as they make us, and feeding them healthy treats is a key component of that.

Easier on the Stomach

Unnatural dog treats can contain a whole host of ingredients that dogs wouldn’t usually eat; that is, they wouldn’t find those ingredients in the wild. The result of that can be digestion problems, which is no fun for anyone, not the dog and not you, the owner. Natural dog treats are much gentler on the stomach and thus easy to digest.


Your dog’s health begins with their diet. If you’re looking for some excellent and delicious natural dog treats, check out our selection here at SnackWaggers. We have a fantastic range of dog chews and treats, which we’re sure that your furry friend will love.

Not Sure Where to Start?

We know getting started on your natural treat journey can be a little overwhelming, so we've created the Surprise Treato Box to make things easier for you. They're available in 3 sizes and with each we'll fill a box with our most popular treats so your dog can get a taste for what's available. You'll learn what the love the best and your dog gets to have a treat adventure!

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