Dog Supplement FAQs

Dog Supplement FAQs

We have put together a range of FAQs regarding the supplements we offer.

Q: Do I need to introduce my dog to bee pollen again after they have had it the previous year?

A: The main reason we mention to introduce dogs to our supplements slowly, is to ensure that your dog has no allergic reaction. As bee pollen is a seasonal supplement, you may go a few months without feeding this to your dog, so when you pick back up again in the Spring time it is fine to feed the recommended dose for your dogs weight again as long as they have been fine with it the previous year. 

Q: Can I give my dog spirulina powder?

A: Yes, spirulina is safe for dogs in small doses. It's known for boosting the immune system and improving gut health.

Q: How does pumpkin powder benefit my dog?

A: Pumpkin powder is great for dogs' digestion, helping both with constipation and diarrhoea. It's also rich in vitamins and minerals.

Q: Is beetroot powder good for my dog?

A: Beetroot powder is safe for dogs and can improve stamina, lower blood pressure, and enhance liver function. Use in moderation due to its high sugar content.

Q: What is the shelf life on the supplements?

A: Typically 12 months.

Q: How do I store supplements?

A: Each supplement are send in a grip seal bag, which if closed properly should keep them dry. You can transfer to another bag or tub, but ensure they are kept dry and at room temperature at all times. 

Q: How much spirulina powder can I give my dog?

A: 1/8 tsp per 10kg body weight. 

Q: How much pumkin powder can I give my dog?

A: 1tsp per 10kg body weight. 

Q: How much beetroot powder can I give my dog?

A: 1/4tsp per 20kg of body weight. 

Q: How much hemp seeds can I give my dog?

A: 1tsp per day for adult dogs.

Q: How much chai seeds can I give my dog?

A: 1/4tsp per 10lb of body weight. 

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