A New Lead in Life: Welcome to SnackWaggers!

A New Lead in Life: Welcome to SnackWaggers!

We've got some news that's sure to make your tails wag! We're not barking mad, we promise, but we have taken a step that might initially have you howling. We've changed our name. Deliverchew, your beloved provider of delectable doggy delights, is now SnackWaggers!

At first, we felt as heartbroken as a puppy separated from its squeaky toy. The name Deliverchew has been our identity, our kennel if you will, for nearly two years. We've wagged our tails proudly under that banner, and we know many of you have come to associate it with quality, care, and utterly drool-worthy treats.

But, just as a pup outgrows its first collar, we've found ourselves needing to shake things up for some grown-up reasons. Our legal eagles advised us that we needed to change our name, and while it initially left us whimpering, we've now come to see this as an exciting opportunity.

We've dug deep, like a terrier after a buried bone, to find a new name that captures the essence of who we are, the joy we bring to your dogs, and the wag-worthy treats we deliver. And voila, SnackWaggers was born! Yes, we've stopped chasing our tails and we're now prancing forward with a new moniker that we think is paw-fectly us!

Our new name, SnackWaggers, reflects our commitment to bringing tail-wagging joy to your furry friends, one snack at a time. We're still the same dedicated team, whipping up the same delicious, nutritious treats your dogs can't get enough of. But now, we're doing it with a new bounce in our step and a new tag on our collar.

We understand if you might be feeling a bit like a dog who's just been told to "stay", looking at us with those puppy dog eyes, confused and wondering why the change. We assure you that, even though our name has changed, our promise to you and your beloved pups remains the same. We're still devoted to serving up the tastiest, healthiest treats that will have your dogs doing the happy dance every snack time!

So, while we may have rolled over, we're not playing dead. We're up on our paws, wagging our tails, and we're more excited than ever to embark on this new journey as SnackWaggers. We are certain that, with your continued support, we can make this transition smoother than a collie's coat.

Thank you for being the most amazing community a company could ever dream of. You are the reason we strive to create the best treats that make tails wag all over the country. So, here's to a fresh start, new adventures, and continued tail-wagging joy. After all, every dog has its day, and we believe that with SnackWaggers, every day will be a delight for our furry friends.

Stay pawsitive, keep those tails wagging, and remember - the snack is still the same, it just wags under a different name!

We're currently fetching all our creative bones to update our branding across our website and social profiles. So, if things look a bit like a dog's dinner for a little while, please bear with us. We promise it'll be as tidy as a greyhound's kennel soon!

With all our heart,

The SnackWaggers Team

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